Epic Blood Quest
A downloadable game for Windows
Epic Blood Quest est le premier jeu que j'ai réalisé. C'est un shooter pour Hardcore gamer créer avec GameMaker Studio 2.
C'est un jeu réalisé en solo pour un projet étudiant à PôleIIID.
Epic Blood Quest is my first game. It's a shooter for hardcore Gamer created with GameMaker Studio 2.
It was made as a solo shcool project for PôleIIID.
EpicBloodQuest_Version_01.zip 46 MB
Install instructions
Double cliquer sur l'archive pour l'ouvrir, dézipper le contenu dans un dossier puis lancer l'executable.
Unzip the archive, extract it in a folder and double clic on the executable file to launch the game.
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I played just a bit but here are my thoughts:
I loved the art of the game! The gameplay is pretty nice as well. The music too. And usually I'm not very into this kind of games.
The only downside I saw was that the player grows too much and it becomes very difficult to dodge bullets when you occupy 20% of the lower screen.
But excelent job! Keep it up!